The museum will be opening its doors to the public on April 5, 2019.
Volunteer help is needed in order for the museum to operate effectively. The more volunteers we have, the more improvements can be accomplished. We are seeking volunteers to help with just about anything you can think of. There are so many skills that we are in need of such as carpentry, aircraft restoration, library organization, electronics, administrative tasks, painting, cleaning, docent work and many more. Please stop by the museum and inquire about volunteering.
AVM hopes to acquire a support group of like-minded people to help work on our display aircraft, exhibits, and facility. We hope to establish a talent pool outlining the skills you and others could contribute to working on some tasks at the museum.
A task list has been created by the museum which would allow volunteers to choose the project that they would be interested in. We don’t ask that you become a full time volunteer. A few hours here and there can really help out.
Please contact us if you would like to help.
(609) 267-4488